On entering the Raphael Court, I immediately understood that I was stepping into a special venue at the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London.
Read MoreMy photo of the right hand of Michelangelo’s David holding a stone appears on page 41 of the book “Michael Bockemühl, Kunst Sehen, Michelangelo.”
My First Photo Printed in a Book
The Frankfurt-based Info3 Verlag recently published“Michael Bockemühl, Kunst Sehen, Michelangelo,” which features my first photo printed in a book, an image of a hand of Michelangelo’s David.
Michelangelo’s David: From Mountain to Masterpiece
During the fifteenth century, a tall, multi-ton block of marble lay abandoned for decades in a courtyard at the Florence Cathedral. It has since become one of the world’s most celebrated pieces of stone, and I got to photograph it in intimate detail.
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